Lördag 25/4 -09 ---> Tröttast.

Ojojoj, jag orkar inte mer snart!

And a silence falls and everything changes.
Everything dies to you.
Nothing's alive to you anymore.
I guess you've gotten more than you may have wanted.

The mental photographs haunting all the time.
She shuts her eyes to you.
She tries to hide from you.
She falls asleep into dreams where she is safe.

Put the weight on my shoulders,
And the pain in my heart,
Tie the knots in my stomach.
Let it tear me apart.
So tear me apart.
And this silence strips me bare.
And the body pins me down.
I've never been so scared to breathe,
Afraid to make a sound.
But all I know, Kick and scream and bite and bleed and make believe it's all a dream.


Hidden In Plain View - Bleed For You x)<3

Fan, jag orkar inte ens skriva. Skit samma då. Hej på er.

/L. Inte najs.


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